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Tết lại đến rồi
Thời gian trôi nhanh thật, vèo một cái lại sang cái tết mới. Ngày bé cứ đến tết là chỉ mong năm mới học hành thi cử đỗ đạt, chả biết mong...
"I’ve been finding it hard to connect with my children…"
- I’ve been enrolling in this healing class… - Wow… I’m sure there must be a reason why. Do you want to share it with me? - Yeah, so I’ve...
Aging is precious
Aging is precious. Like wine, you grow with quality over time.
Your smallest act of kindness
You never know even your smallest act of kindness and genuine care can help someone make a vital change.
"whom do you think of when you write?"
- I wanted to journal too… - And what stopped you? - I think I was worried about whether what I write would be too niche for others… - So...
The hardest times in your life come with the opportunities
The hardest times in your life come with the opportunities to build your invincible inner strength.
If it's meant to be, it will eventually come back to you
If it's meant to be, it will eventually come back to you.
The first step in helping people heal
The first step in helping people heal is learning to understand how you heal.
Non-physical intimacy
There's no love without non-physical intimacy.
Always choose love
Always choose love.
Law of attraction
You attract what you are, not what you desire.
Three conditions that hold us from happiness
Three basic human conditions that hold people from happiness are ego, desire, and doubt.
Daily rituals
Make reflection and contemplation part of your daily rituals.
Trust your mind's eye
Eyes open, you see your surroundings. Eyes closed, you see everything.
Holiday Issue(s) 2023: How to not feel depressed
No one knew behind those wandering eyes was a soul that felt lost. Depressed. Starring at the camera, you longed to be seen—not the kind...
Your sole purpose in life
Your sole purpose in life is to fulfill a life that is your very own.
Behind every strong independent woman
Behind every strong independent woman are other inspiring, understanding, and supportive women.
The one who's stopping you
You are the only one who's stopping you.
Charleston is for relationship lessons.
- What’s the dating scene like in New York? - Haha I don’t know how to answer that question. What’s the dating scene like in Cleveland? -...
You can't find true love without doing this
You can't find true love without allowing yourself to be vulnerable.
How to not get bored
It’s hard to get bored when you have an inquisitive and playful mind since you’re always in the process of trying to learn something new...
You can truly spread love and positivity when
You can truly spread love and positivity when you genuinely have them.
Create hope in any scenario by doing this
Hope is not a given. Hope is a product of faith, and faith is a result of positive self-talk on repeat. In other words, we can create...
The importance of identifying the right questions
Oftentimes we overestimate the importance of knowing the answer right away and underestimate the importance of identifying the right...
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