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What do you love about being a woman?
🌻 This International Women's Day, we're proud to highlight the diverse voices and intersectional experiences of women in our...

"You’ll learn if he’s right for you or not."
- I really like him. - I know. It’s obvious. - Really? How? - Because you acted like you didn’t care when he was here. - Wow. Yeah, I...

"...when what she really should do is just walk away."
- You know, it drives me mad when I hear about stories like that. I just can't wrap my head around why it happens to strong women. Like...

What was the most important lesson that you learned in 2023?
🧧 As we wrap up the Year of the Rabbit (or Year of the Cat in Vietnam), we asked our members from the Asian community to share the most...

The most important book you need to read
The most important book you need to read and comprehend is yourself.

The prerequisite for healthy relationships
Self-love is the prerequisite for any kind of healthy relationships.

Year of the Cat in review
To me, this Year of the Cat feels like a crash course. Perhaps it’s the most intense year that I’ve been through with so much to learn...

Energy is contagious
Energy is contagious. Choose to cultivate what you like to receive yourself.

Holiday Issue(s) 2024: How to be the change you want to see
“Why am I feeling upset?” Some people avoid this question, some run away from it, some are afraid to think about it, some think about it...

Whoever you're going to marry, I hope this for you
Whoever you’re going to marry, I hope you’ll be each other’s biggest fan and safest home ❤️
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