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"...with H1-B visas, we only have a 60-day grace period..."
- When Covid happened, I was one of the first to be laid off, which was very tough as you can imagine. I'm glad that you're sharing your...

How to overcome job rejections?
I’m not sure who may need to hear this but I know my younger self did, so I’ll share it here. Some of you may be graduating soon or...

10 years of chasing dreams...
There was a girl who didn't take studying very seriously, slept through all her classes, and decided that she wanted to study in America...

We, all of us, are influencers
If you followed the news on how the lawsuit brought by Harvard University and MIT was able to bring success home for more than one...

An open letter to my fellow Americans (from an international student graduate now work visa holder)
Dear My Fellow Americans, I know that you are dealing with many issues during this time, but there are critical issues underrepresented...

Why does America need immigrants in the workforce?
(I promise I have more to say than just 'America is built on the backs of immigrants', which everyone should already know by the way.) So...

Dreams are like lovers
This is not about "Don't give up on your dreams"; but let me tell you a story first. When I was five, maybe even younger, I dreamed of...
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