Three bubble baths in four days...
It's my way of affirming myself that "moving in a pandemic is hard work, so be kind to yourself." However, besides my acknowledgment of the importance of self-care especially for someone whose body muscles are mostly for decoration like me, this post is not to hone in on the moving bit of the story or what it takes; rather, I want to share with you the three powerful perspectives I have reflected on during this time that can be translated into many parts of life and far beyond just the move... so read along!
1) Try to do the hard work yourself, so that you appreciate others more when they help you or do the hard work for you. Chances are we might not be very good at it (otherwise it wouldn't be considered 'hard' in the first place). But trying to do the hard work, the heavy work, the annoying work, or what we usually may not like doing, keeps us stay grounded and not entitled. Even if we suck at it, it's still worth a shot — that way, not only will we know our true ability to handle the tasks instead of being skeptical and judgmental in our own minds, but we will also learn to have more appreciation for other people when they lend us a hand or do it for us. Similarly, don't be afraid of taking on challenging tasks or projects at work. Own them with pride ;)
2) Take time to take in the space that you're in, so that you know what to fill in the space (instead of just filling in space). I don't go by 'less is more,' but I don't agree with 'more is more,' either. What I've learned about myself through these years is that I'm neither a minimalist nor a maximalist. I'm more of a realist — I believe in 'quality over quantity,' so my focus is placed on 'quality' and not having 'less' per se. I don't care much about trends; what I do like is to see everything around me having a purpose or multi-purposes when they present themselves, while harmoniously complementing each other in the same space and yet still showcasing me as who I am. However, in order to achieve this bliss point, I know that I will need to feel it out and start filling the space as I go, so the quality is intensified and not diluted. Similarly, we should take time to read the room in all settings, and only speak when we have something quality to say to add value to the bigger group (instead of speaking for the sake of getting noticed — because we will get noticed, just for the wrong reason).
3) Optimize everything based on what you have, not based on what other people have. Let's say we have a studio to work with. We can't make a studio look like a mansion; that just doesn't work, period. But we can make a studio look like a stunning studio. Moreover, optimizing a studio isn't just about optimizing the space, but also the ambiance (how to create a homey sensation), energy (how to raise vibration and positivity), creativity (how to foster imagination and creative thinking), efficiency (how to minimize time spent on switching between activities), and so on. Similarly, we need to understand ourselves and our resources to optimize our own potential based on what we have.
Have a lovely week and take care out there x