Some might say that May is so on-brand for me and the work that I do because both Mental Health Awareness and AAPI Heritage Month fall into this month. I even almost chose May to be the birth month of Bloom in Crisis for that reason, but thankfully I didn’t. Instead of rushing into sharing robust content for May, I made a radical decision to not come up with any content at all.
For AAPI, perhaps I’ll save my point of view for another post at a later time, but if May is about raising mental health awareness, I’d rather it be the month that reminds me to look within and check on myself. I even requested that my team stop working on Bloom in Crisis despite their persistence in expressing that they wanted to continue—not because they did anything wrong—quite the opposite, as I’m incredibly grateful for their contributions. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it felt like the right thing to do. I needed them to focus on their own priorities and spend more time taking care of their mental health, too.
While it’s hard to see, only my closest friends would know that the past month has been a sprint for me, not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally and especially spiritually. And I want my content to be an authentic reflection of that. It’s not the feeling of burnout. It’s the acceleration of internal expansion that I can feel deeply inside of me that rips off my old outerwear because it no longer fits.
This year, May is the month that I let many parts of myself die.
Let go of the past.
Let go of old desires.
Let go of fear, negative energies, instant gratification, expectations, perfectionism.
Let go of everything that no longer serves.
Mental health to me is less about taking in and more about letting go and creating space to welcome something new.
When you let your old self die, you’re born again. Allow your soul to lead the way ✨
