- Hey! I have a serious question for you. Do you have any friends in Vietnam who follow any news from the US? If so, do they look at us as a huge joke?
- Ahh why do you think so? We do follow global news, yes, but I wouldn’t say that people look at the US like a huge joke because that is to assume everyone has the same opinion… which isn’t always the case.
- Well, mainly because I keep seeing videos and TikToks of people who moved to other countries from the US, and how they would not ever move back because of the way the country is run and all of the drama that goes on.
- I see… hmm, I think anything that goes viral or breaking news can have the effect of making us think that the world is coming to an end nowadays, so I would first be aware of that. I personally love America despite its imperfection if that gives you another perspective to consider.
- It certainly does! It's just a little disheartening to hear all these people say how much disdain they have for the country.
- With this current political climate and warfare, I can understand why… but I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love America.
- That's kind of why I wanted to ask you. I figure you would have a few more direct connections to people outside of the country than I would. I was curious if it's more of a mindset that people who used to live in the US had, or more widespread?
- I don’t have the stats but I wouldn’t generalize… instead of worrying about that, I think we can all focus on being the reason why people who know us also love our countries, which is exactly how I feel when I know you guys :)
- You are quite amazing! Thanks for amusing my weird thoughts. Lol. How is NYC?
- They're not weird at all, I’m so honored that you value my perspective. NYC is great, but I’m JUST about to take off to LA now!