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What if I’ll never make it?

What if they were right when they said you’d never make it? What if you start believing it? What if you’re right that you don’t have what it takes? What if you fail again, and again, and again? What if you’re just wasting your time? What if everything you’ve built up to this point amounts to nothing in the end?

But what if these questions are just illusions—that they’re mere projections of the idea in your head that “making it” means reaching a fixed destination?

Getting stuck on whether you’ll make it or not often distracts you from the fact that you’re already in the process of making it, and vice versa. It’s not what others say that creates doubt inside of you—it’s the act of repeating to yourself that you’ll never make it and believing it. 

The destination you think you need to reach today might look completely different five years from now. But will you give yourself the freedom to change your destination along the way?

So much of “making it” is about actually doing it. The more you do, the more your journey unfolds. You have the power to shape your path. Discipline is your security, and integrity is your compass. It’s not about how many times you fail, but how you pick yourself up and move forward each time. It’s not about reaching a fixed destination, but recognizing that your destination can evolve, just like you do. It’s not about whether you’ll make it—it’s about whether you’re in the process of making it.

Like craftsmanship, when you do something consistently—day in and day out—you’ll make it before you even realize it ✨

P.S.: My video in this post might not look much different from the one I shared before, but for me, the difference is huge. A few months ago, I fell on my back during a headstand, and it hurt a lot. It took me a while to recover, but ever since then, I hadn’t dared to do another headstand without a wall behind me—both for my physical safety and for my peace of mind. This was the first time I tried again. While it wasn’t perfect and took a few attempts, I saw something far more important: I overcame my fear. All it takes is practice and a little faith, because seeing progress—even in small steps—makes me realize that I can. 

We’ll make it, because we can, and because we do 💪


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