Written by Zip Nguyen's father, Phu Nguyen, author of "Story of the week" (Mỗi tuần một chuyện) series —Translated by Hang Nguyen
Click here to read the original post written in Vietnamese. For future translated posts, visit our Well-being category.

Dear beloved audience!
I am Nguyen Van Phu, born in Chi Lịnh, Hai Duong Province, Vietnam, and have lived, studied, and worked non-stop in diversified environments for 44 years, with 40 years of residing in Hanoi with my family up to now.
I am glad to learn that my darling daughter Nguyen Diep Anh (Zip Nguyen), who has officially released the weblog bloomincrisis.com after so many years of nourishing the dream of building it, is involving me in the "STORY OF THE WEEK" column dedicated to young adults such as you guys.
As someone who has undergone nearly 4 years of training in the military environment, and 29 years in journalism (of which nearly 13 years were the Editor-in-Chief of a top-notch newspaper in Vietnam), I am eager to share my perspectives about anything that you are interested in or experiencing yourself. This is also how I show my gratitude to life and help you run faster on your way of studying life, thus saving the “tuition fee” you need to pay to gain that experience.
At the same time, I would love to understand more about today's youth compared to my "vibrant youth" in the past decades of the last century, so if you have any questions for me, please leave a comment below, or don't hesitate to send a message to @bloomincrisis account via Instagram/Facebook or email feedback to bloomincrisis@gmail.com!
Are you ready? Let’s go!