- How do you guys date nowadays? Are you just using the app?
- Haha, I might not be the best person to answer that. But yeah, the app is definitely popular. I haven’t been on it in a long time, though.
- I feel like young people don’t talk to each other in person anymore. Everyone’s always staring at their phones! There are so many ways you can meet people. On the subway, for example—that could be a great place to observe and start conversations instead of just looking at your phone.
- Hmm… I’m not sure about New York subway haha, but I get your point. And yeah, a lot of people do seem to prefer texting over talking on the phone or having face-to-face conversations. I might be old-school, though. I much prefer it in person.
- That’s good! So my boy likes this girl a lot, but he made a mistake. Have you heard about “Mission Impossible”?
- I mean… I know the movie series haha
- Okay, so he and his friends have this thing called “Mission Impossible.” They explained it as meaning if you kiss a girl today, you can’t kiss another girl tomorrow. College kids, you know. But somehow, one of the girl’s best friends heard about it and told the girl he likes.
- Oops… I can see where this is going!
- Right. So, of course, the girl he likes wasn’t happy to hear about it. My son realized he messed up and he asked me “Dad, what should I do?”
- That’s good that he talked to you about it! What did you tell him?
- I said “You should have a conversation with her and explain it’s a misunderstanding.” He said “Okay, let me text her.”
- 😂
- I told him “No, no, you don’t understand women. They prefer it in person. You should talk to her in person.” And he was like “Yeah yeah, okay, but I’ll text her first.”
- Haha. I’m glad you told him to talk in person, though. That’s definitely a better approach. Are they good now?
- Yeah, they’re friends again now!